Collection of Medical PPTs

Management of Critical Care Patients

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Critical care management involves comprehensive and specialized care provided to patients with life-threatening conditions or severe injuries. This type of care typically occurs in the intensive care unit (ICU).

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File Name Management-of-Critical-Care-Patients.pptx
File Size 2.21 MB
Number of Slides 64
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Management of Critical Care Patients PPT Summary

  1. Critical care involves the direct delivery of medical care to critically ill or injured patients and requires high-complexity decision-making.
  2. The metabolic response to critical illness involves adaptive reactions that promote recovery following injury but can lead to frailty, organ dysfunction syndromes, and death.
  3. Understanding the stress response, inflammation, and infection is crucial in managing critical care patients.
  4. Various factors, such as iatrogenic factors, altered carbohydrate metabolism, and hormonal changes, play a role in the response to critical illness.
  5. Proper chest physiotherapy techniques, including positioning, suctioning, and goals, are essential in managing critical care patients.


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