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Paronychia is a soft tissue infection around the fingernail and is the most common hand infection. It occurs in the subcuticular area under the eponychium. Acute paronychia is typically caused by minor finger injuries, such as nail biting, which allows infectious organisms like staphylococcus aureus and streptococcus pyogenes to enter.

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File Name Paronychia.pptx
File Size 837.70 KB
Number of Slides 21
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Built on Microsoft Office 2021
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Paronychia PPT Summary

  1. Paronychia is a common hand infection that occurs under the eponychium.
  2. Acute paronychia is caused by minor finger injuries, such as nail biting, and can lead to abscess formation.
  3. Chronic paronychia is often caused by Candida albicans and can be a complication of eczema.
  4. Treatment for paronychia involves draining pus, administering antibiotics, and, in severe cases, excising the nail.
  5. Subungual hematoma is the collection of blood under the nail and can be managed with ice, elevation, and creating a hole for blood drainage.


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