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Diphtheria is an infectious disease caused by the bacteria C. diphtheriae. There are four strains of the bacteria, and a non-toxigenic strain may become toxigenic when exposed to beta-phage.

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File Name Diphtheria.pptx
File Size 751.24 KB
Number of Slides 6
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Diptheria PPT Summary

  1. Diphtheria is caused by C. diphtheriae bacteria and has multiple strains.
  2. Non-toxigenic strains can become toxigenic when exposed to beta-phage.
  3. Both cases and carriers can spread the infection, with carriers remaining infective for longer.
  4. Immunization does not prevent the carrier state.
  5. Diphtheria spreads through droplet infection and direct transmission from infected cutaneous lesions or contaminated objects.


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