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Hepatitis C

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Hepatitis C is a viral infection that affects the liver. It is caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV) and is primarily spread through contact with infected blood.

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File Name Hepatitis-C.pptx
File Size 1.22 MB
Number of Slides 14
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Built on Microsoft Office 2008
Font used Alegreya Sans SC


Hepatitis C PPT Summary

  1. Hepatitis C is a significant global health issue, with an estimated 170 million carriers worldwide.
  2. Screening for Hepatitis C in blood banks is mandatory in India since July 1997.
  3. Hepatitis D requires the presence of Hepatitis B for infection to occur.
  4. Hepatitis E is prevalent in Asia and North Africa, with pregnant women being at high risk of complications.
  5. Hepatitis G is a newly discovered form of liver inflammation caused by the Hepatitis G virus, with limited information available about its frequency and prevention.


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