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Obstetric Care

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During pregnancy, Obstetric Care emphasizes specific health protection measures. It addresses issues such as anemia, nutritional deficiencies, toxemia of pregnancy, tetanus, syphilis, German measles, Rh status, HIV infection, and prenatal genetic screening.

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File Name Obstetric-Care.pptx
File Size 532.56 KB
Number of Slides 12
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Obstetric Care PPT Summary

  1. Anemia is a common issue during pregnancy, particularly among women from low socio-economic groups, and is associated with various complications.
  2. Nutritional deficiencies, including protein, vitamin, and mineral deficiencies, are also prevalent during pregnancy.
  3. Toxemias of pregnancy, characterized by albumin in urine and increased blood pressure, require early detection and management.
  4. Immunization against tetanus is crucial during pregnancy to prevent complications for both the mother and the baby.
  5. Testing and treatment for syphilis are essential to prevent transmission of the infection to the fetus.
  6. Rubella (German measles) infection during early pregnancy can lead to fetal death and major birth defects.
  7. Rh incompatibility between the mother and the fetus can result in severe complications for subsequent pregnancies.
  8. Screening for HIV infection during pregnancy is important to prevent transmission to the baby, and prenatal genetic screening can help detect chromosomal abnormalities and other inherited conditions.
  9. Mental preparation and family planning play significant roles in obstetric care.


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