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Serology is a branch of laboratory medicine that studies blood serum for evidence of infection and other parameters by evaluating antigen-antibody reactions in vitro.

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File Size 4.44 MB
Number of Slides 72
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Serology PPT Summary

  1. Serology is used for diagnostic purposes, particularly in cases of suspected infections and rheumatic illnesses.
  2. Serology can detect both antibodies and antigens.
  3. Terms such as sensitivity, specificity, affinity, avidity, dilution, titer, seroconversion, and seroreversion are important in evaluating test methodology in serology.
  4. Serological tests can be performed on various specimens, not just blood serum.
  5. Common serology techniques include ELISA, agglutination, precipitation, complement-fixation, and fluorescent antibodies.


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