Collection of Medical PPTs

Stroke In Children

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A stroke in children is a medical condition in which blood flow to the brain is disrupted, leading to cell damage and potentially long-term disability. While stroke is often thought of as a condition that affects older adults, it can occur in children as well.

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File Name Stroke-in-Children.pptx
File Size 203.00 KB
Number of Slides 49
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Built on Microsoft Office 2008
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Stroke In Children PPT Summary

  1. Stroke in children has different risk factors and presentations compared to adults.
  2. The incidence of stroke in children is relatively low, with around 2.5-3.0 children out of 100,000 affected every year.
  3. Different types of stroke can occur in children, including prenatal, perinatal, and pediatric stroke.
  4. The diagnostic evaluation of stroke in children includes various laboratory tests, imaging studies, and other procedures.
  5. Management of stroke in children involves supportive care, specific medical treatments, and rehabilitation therapy.


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