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Reproductive and Child Health Programme

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The RCH program aims to ensure safe pregnancies, successful outcomes for mothers and infants, and access to sexual and reproductive healthcare services. Launched in 1997, the program shifted to a target-free approach based on client needs and community involvement.

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Reproductive and Child Health Programme PPT Summary

  1. The RCH program aims to improve reproductive and child health outcomes through a client-oriented and community-based approach.
  2. The program underwent a paradigm shift from a target-oriented approach to a target-free approach, focusing on the needs of beneficiaries and community involvement.
  3. RCH Phase I adopted a life cycle approach for women’s health, while Phase II emphasized state ownership and community needs assessment.
  4. The program includes components such as obstetrical care, referral system strengthening, infrastructure development, and capacity building.
  5. Specific objectives of the RCH program include reducing population growth, IMR, TFR, and MMR, as well as improving ANC, institutional deliveries, and child immunization coverage.


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